What To Do When You Face Anxiety

What To Do When You Face Anxiety

Anxiety Alert! Fear causes many people to try to avoid negative things from happening in their life. They prepare for the worst possible scenario, and then they create contingency plans.

Focusing on, and trying to prevent, potential negative outcomes in life can be pretty exhausting, and it uses up your precious energy. By the time something terrible actually happens, you don’t have enough emotional strength to deal with real-life situations.

What can you do to decrease anxiety and keep your fears in check?


  1. Yes, sit down and imagine the best-case outcome in a given situation and pay attention to all the details. When you allow your brain to think about joyful and happy moments, you tap into creative energy and recharge your system.
  2. It also leads your brain in a positive direction. Instead of using fear to protect you, you use joy to create the life you want. Your mind will now start to notice steps to take and data that supports this new bold vision for your life.

Want to practice today?

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Lie on a bed and think about the best outcome for an area of your life that is causing fear, whether it is your relationship, work, vacation, or living situation.

Step 2: Ask yourself, “what does success look like?” Imagine all the positive details you can and acknowledge how good you would feel about the situation if this occurred in real life. For example, do you want a job promotion? Great, what does your new office look like? What are you going to purchase or go do with your extra money? What does it feel like for you to be the boss? Spend time thinking about all the different ways achieving your goal would positively impact your life.

By giving yourself permission to freely and creatively brainstorm positive outcomes, you can figure out what you really want from life and train your brain that feeling good helps you achieve your goals. When you get what you want you will relax and enjoy the feeling because your fantasy prepared your brain for the positive experience. If you worry your way there, you will continue to worry when you achieve it.

Wishing you amazing success and thoroughly enjoying that success when you achieve it!
