Women should make the first move.
What?! Yes, for many of you, this is probably new information.
Scientific research into human dating patterns show that women make the first move by staring at a guy. This move signals the guy to approach. He already feels that the woman might be receptive to meeting him.
How Women Can Make the First Move
When you go to a social event, you need to practice making eye contact with people. When you find someone attractive, stare just a little bit longer than usual and you will signal to the man that he can make his move.
Whether it is staring at someone or doing the “end the conversation and give him your phone number” trick, making the first move is a very powerful way to increase the number of dates you get. If you wait for a man to approach you, you are only attracting a smaller proportion of the male population. For most men, that approach without the woman’s signal, are aggressive.
Does Making the First Move Scare Shy Guys?
What about all the shy guys or men that fear rejection? They will be very thankful and flattered that you made it easy for them. You will stand out in their eyes! They will look forward to meeting you again on that coffee date.
Be Attentive When Making the First Move
The only warning for making the first move is to listen to the response. Once you make a move, wait for the man to equally invest back into the relationship.
For example, if you stare at him, make eye contact for a couple of seconds (longer than you think is normal or feels comfortable), and he does not come over to talk to you, then you know he is not interested and you can move on without investing any of your time.
If you gave him your number at the party and he does not call you, then that is your answer. Don’t keep pursuing him. Move on to another guy who is more receptive to dating you, instead of wasting your emotional energy on trying to figure out why the guy at the party does not like you.
It’s a Numbers Game…
It takes guts to put yourself out there like this. And it sucks when you get “rejected.” It is truly a numbers game and this method actually speeds up the process of eliminating men who don’t want a commitment and getting closer to great, awesome guys that do want to be with you.
Remember, by making the first move, you would dramatically increase your dating pool size.
Be brave and make the first move!
Your Emily